You are not alone!

We have created a resource to give the support and awareness needed for mental health needs of people living with persistent neck and back pain.

Many people who have mental health problems are able to recover if they get the right sort of help and support. People can often feel much better and more positive about themselves and the future once they have sought treatment. Being in pain for a long time can make you feel sad, depressed and worried as well as isolated and fearful.  When you are sad, low or worried your pain can feel worse too.
One of the biggest hurdles to overcome is that first step ‘recognising that you may need help’ and then taking the first steps to finding help.  For most people the first person they may speak to is their General Practitioner (GP); however there are also many national support organisations and local groups that provide advice and information to support wellbeing.

There are things that you can do to manage your pain and mood. They won’t take the pain away but can improve your day to day life.  Information contained within this directory will help you, families and carers find the services to support wellbeing.

Think about what has helped you in the past when you have felt stressed or overwhelmed.  It could be yoga, relaxation, mindfulness, trying a new recipe, talking with a friend, distracting yourself with a puzzle, making time for self-soothing (taking a bath for example).  What helps will be different from person to person – use what works for you.

Click here to read about ‘The Hive Five’- five ways that you can take action to help yourself.

Click here to Download
your support guide

Do you need more support?

I’d like BeeFree to contact me so that we could talk about other resources I’d find helpful.

BeeFree is a collaboration between patients and professionals at the following organisations

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